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Information about the funky Party

Where is it?

Gulereer is located at the village Reerslev, ca. 4 km from Hedehusene, a station between Roskilde and Høje Taastrup. about 20 min. from Copenhagen Central Station. You can take bus No. 116 to Reerslev from both Høje Tåstrup and Hedehusene station, the bus stops just opposite permahaven. Usually you must wait a little longer for the bus at Hedehusene than at Høje Taastrup, but check the time-schedule yourself. The last bus Saturday night?


One can easily bike, either from Copenhagen (30 km) from Høje Tåstrup (10 km) or from Hedehusene (4 km). You can also just walk from Hedehusene station, the road is called Reerslevvej and runs just behind the station.


Whether you come on feet, by bus, bike or car –  you drive from Hedehusene against Reerslev and continue through the village and on the outskirts opposite the primary school you’ll find the garden. The street is called Tingstenen. If you are coming by car you can park it in the school parking lot.

To the GPS-folks the zip is 2640 Hedehusene.


There will probably be a lift with one of the various car owners, just ask me or André. 29805826/23297192

If you come from afar and would like to stay longer, it is possible to sleep there from Friday to Monday

When is it?

You are invited to come on the afternoon of Saturday June 25th. We hope some of you want to sleep over, we have borrowed the neighbor’s pasture, which is ideal to camp on. There will also be a few improvised beds in the greenhouse’s  lounge-section or in the strawbale house, however, we envision that the strawbale house will be used as a children’s house during the party. But if you’re too old and stiff to be in a tent, let us find a bed for you so that we have two wonderful days to party and be funky and play and have grass between our toes.


What to bring?


Something to sleep with and in. It could be a hammock – we do have a small forest.


Important: A plate and cutlery – and perhaps a cup. (If everyone brings  we wont produce much waste!)


A bottle of drinking water is a good idea, we have no running water out there, and although we plan to make sure that there is enough, it is nevertheless a good idea to bring a small reserve bottle.


Perhaps something for the grill (steak, fish, veggieburger ect). We are making a large grill  and the local folk-kitchen will be making home-grown salads and all kinds of other goodies.


A bottle of booze – only if you like, we do have a little collection. We’re thinking of putting all the bottles in the bar, and then serve free cocktails and drinks.


Instruments! We do have a scene and band and Djs that will play for us, but there are probably many who just want to jam around the fire.


Entertainment … if you want to make a contribution, then that would obviously be supercool … otherwise, you are welcome to bring croquet, frisbees, kites, hula-hoops whatyoucanthinkof …


Kids! Yes bring them, we have a strawbale house, which we hope can serve as a kindergarden bed and breakfeast, perhaps even with somebody there to look after the young ones.


A funky little thing for our raffle. If everyone bring some nice little object, we create a beautiful raffle-stall, sell tickets for five kr and finance some of the festivities in a fun creative way – and you’ll get a sourvenir to bring home.


There are no toilets there, we’ll build the world’s coziest forest-toilet, but just so you know it.



Um – hhmm almost nothing… it is a vegetable garden, etc., so you must think about where you walk and play and be carefull – but that will probably be obvious. Oh yes and because of the kids, it’s a bad idea with dogs, let them stay at home. And be nice towards neighbors and village residents, even if they’re weird, we gotta live with them for many more years. Otherwise, just call / email and ask.



Program for the party.


Arrival Saturday


Guided Tours, pitching tents, playing, fun, Helping in the folk kitchen ..


We eat at around 19.30


The fire is lighted…  21


The music starts at 22


Dancing and boogiewoogie






Cleanup and chill





With Right of Improvements ….






Sidste weekend i maj

Dræbersneglene har gjort sit indtog i haven.

Det var lidt nedslående, at opdage at disse upopulære snegle havde slået sig ned midt i vores salat. Og i massevis! De ligger i klumper ved plantens rod og gemmer sig ligeledes i sprækkerne mellem højbedenes brædder. Nå, vi fjernede en hundrede styk vil jeg tro. Og så har vi ellers en åben invitation til et par moskusænder, som vi har hørt elsker at guffe dræbersnegle i sig.


Bugnende høj-højbed