Tag Archives: beehive

Beekeeping inspired by Warré

Just got back from the workshop, where I have finally been finishing up the round bee hives.

Warré inspired beehive
Warré inspired beehive

It took the help of my cousin, Peter who had the tools and the knowledge!
We started with ‘the gold’: 48 pieces of fine pine, cut to the length of 21 cm and with sides cut at approximately a 11,25 degree angle. It took some adjusting of the beveled sides before the pieces could be glued. Each hive consists of 16 pieces, so we were able to make 3 hives, as you can see below.

The 'gold'
The ‘gold’

3 round bee hive

I still have to make the roof – the dome and the bottom that the hives are to stand on. I’ll keep you posted here when that happens.

Thank you to:

David Heaf, the bee-friendly beekeeper (http://www.bee-friendly.co.uk) for his work with natural bee-keeping and the generous sharing of knowledge and experience.
Peter Frederiksen, wood worker and furniture maker d’excellence.
The beehive wood workshop of the Copenhagen Beekeepers’ Association – Poul Erik, in particular.